
The Zula B. Wylie Library Friends are proud to announce they have been awarded a $2,500 grant from the Tap Root Fund of the Dallas Foundation.  The Dallas Foundation’s mission since 1929 is to serve the nonprofit community and their donors.  The Friends are very excited about this honor and wish to thank the anonymous donor who recommended this grant.  Elaine Cook, President of the Friends stated, “We are excited to receive this grant and plan to put it to good use paying for special learning events at our incredible award winning library.”

The Zula B. Wylie Library Friends are an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Zula B. Wylie Public Library in Cedar Hill.   They provide funds to supplement the libraries’ budget which enables the library to expand its literacy, cultural and educational programs.  One example of their support is the “Rockin’ Reading Camp” for children every summer during the Summer Reading Challenge.  The Friends raise funds through their Dining for Dollars events which are held each month at different eating and shopping establishments in Cedar Hill and the exciting “Wine and Words” after hours event with wine sampling and spoken word performances.

If you would like more information about the Friends please visit

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