Your teenager may suffer from more than moodiness – about 11 percent of adolescents experience depression before reaching adulthood. And social media could be...
Meet Robert Rivera, an Arlington City Council member since 2005. Rivera began his dream to enter public service at 18, when he became the youngest person in...
Shonda Johnson – Guest Contributor
Aug 24 2014
Children and families from all over the DFW Metroplex are excitedly anticipating the Kids on the Hill Creative Arts Festival being held Sept. 20, 2014 from 4-7...
Kathy Jones – Guest Contributor
Aug 24 2014
The vision of a vertical flight facility in DeSoto is a reality thanks to a funding partnership between the City of DeSoto, DeSoto Economic Development...
In the Best of BubbleLife surveys, we typically focus on what your community has to offer. We want to find the best local restaurants, elementary schools and...
Meet Steve Cosio, president of Discover Historic Mansfield. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to bringing to life the area known as Historic Mansfield and...
Each fall, parents are encouraged to get involved in their students’ education. Sit at the table and help them with their math homework; ensure they are...
Meet Teddie Story, CEO of Irving Cares, an organization dedicated to helping residents of Irving get through the tough times in life. Nearly two decades ago,...
Many comedians, musicians and politicians, across the United States share two things in common: the suffix –ians, and the fact that they are participating in an...
Caitlin Giddens – BubbleLife Staff
Aug 18 2014
Whether you’re a kid or an adult, you wait all week for Saturday morning. This weekend, instead of sleeping in, make use of the cooler hours. We've discovered...