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Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center to host Open Model and Talent Call on Saturday, Jan. 20

Getting in front of industry decision makers is probably the toughest challenge for those seeking careers in modeling, acting, singing and dancing.

With a mission to help people gain access in myriad ways, the Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center is doing its part, hosting the sixth-annual Open Model and Talent Call on Saturday, Jan. 20, for men and women ages 16-50. Free and open to the public, the event is from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration, which is also free, begins at 9:45 a.m. with auditions kicking off at 10:30 a.m.

“We are more than a training facility offering basketball skills; we are a multipurpose, multicultural center dedicated to educating and equipping young people on and off the court,” said Trina Terrell-Andrews, CEO of the Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center. “It is our priority to maintain a healthy learning environment for young people who are willing to invest in themselves.”

The program began in 2018 and has helped launch the modeling and entertainment careers of numerous North Texans. For example, curve model Asia Allen was placed with Wallflower Management in Dallas and NTA Models in Los Angeles. She’s been featured in national ad campaigns for Starbucks, Uber, JCPenney and Gwen Stefani’s beauty line.

The call is hosted by Dallas-based Willie Johnson of J3 Productions, a fashion show production and modeling management company whose mission is “to find the diamond in the rough and make him or her shine.” The panel includes fashion show producers, acting and performing coaches, dance instructors, talent agents and more. 

The chosen individuals will spend 12 weeks working with Johnson and will receive professional head shots and other support. J3 Production will serve as the mother agency, with Johnson introducing the individuals to other regional and national agencies. While fees vary for the workshops and portfolio developments, the Heroes Foundation will offer scholarships to cover costs.

REQUIREMENTS: Female models should be 5’7”-6’, and male models should be 5’11”-6’3”. Singers and dancers should bring music on a flash drive. Singers may be asked to sing for 30 seconds, and dancers may be asked to perform a 45-second routine. Actors may be asked to do a cold read.

The Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center is located at 1800 Bonnie View Rd., Dallas, TX 75216. For more info, go to markcubanheroescenter.org or call 214-379-7451.

ABOUT THE MARK CUBAN HEROES BASKETBALL CENTER.The Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center is a multi-purpose facility for neighborhood youth and families providing sports and leadership programs. The Center expanded its services to address the critical needs arising during the pandemic related to food insecurity, including the distribution of afterschool snacks, meals and food boxes to neighborhood families.

For more info, go to markcubanheroescenter.org or call 214-379-7451.

Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Courtesy of Vision King Productions
Friday, 19 January 2024