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I ran the Miles for Meredith 5K this weekend over at the Mansfield High School. Here’s my recap: It was cold. And drizzly. 

It was also busier than what I thought it would be, but I showed up early wearing my running spandex (more on that later), I got my race bib and t-shirt, and picked up a cup of free coffee from the Mansfield cheerleaders — there, I had to make the hard decision between five different flavored creamers, which proved to be more difficult than running five kilometers. And then, I waited in a high school cafeteria of people I didn’t know.

They obviously all knew each other. Some of the 5Ks I’ve completed are small charities inside even smaller communities. The Miles for Meredith Run was benefiting The Meredith Hatch Foundation. Read more about their mission honoring her beautiful life. I’ve really enjoyed watching these communities through the eyes of an outsider (in a non-creepy way). It’s fun to watch people come together for a community cause.

The run was a beautiful course through the houses surrounding the high school and wasn’t too difficult besides the cold, wet and windy weather which disappeared magically once the running started. So the race was great, except for my pants…

My pants have become a point of contention when running, I bought a pair of awesome spandex long running pants for those really cold mornings and they totally made me look like a legit runner — that is until I start running. The problem is in the first half-mile. I have to basically hold my pants up or they will fall down. This is not legit. After the that half mile or so I begin to sweat enough to keep them up on there own, but this problem is unacceptable. I’d like to apologize to the people behind me who have to watch my run, wiggle and pull up for the first stretch of the race. But hey, my pants were able to finish strong. 

The Miles for Meredith run marked the 12th 5K I’ve done in the last two months. I’m currently engaged in a journey to run 50 5Ks (timed, themed, for a charity or for fun) in one year. You can follow my journey through my gofundme account or with the hashtag #FiftyFiveKs.