
I don’t know if anybody read my last set of links, but I decided to keep trying until y’all love them so much I can’t cruise the internet fast enough to find stuff to occupy your time. Here’s some neat stuff I found this week:


Could you do it?

• A man lives without money for a year. Yeah, I would try to do this, then promptly be like, “I’m using WHAT for toothpaste again?” And then I’d quit.


Google needs a little girl power

• I love powerful ad campaigns that speak volumes with as little as possible. Here’s a powerful campaign from Ogilvy & Mather Dubai that shows the scope of sexism worldwide.


These ladies have some serious girl power

Sisters on the fly —Whoa, I had never heard of these ladies, but I have now, and NOW, I just added this to my bucket list.


DIY all the toys

• If you are on a budget like me, and your kids need constant entertainment like mine, then maybe you can DIY some toys. Here is an awesome Pinterest-worthy list of 35 toys moms (and dads) can DIY.


Print the kid’s art in a coffee table book

• I’m always looking for ways to preserve the memories without all the space that children require. Here is an excellent idea that turns your kids’ art into a coffee table book. I’m sure this could also be an excellent Grandma gift for the upcoming holidays.


Non-cat people.

• I once insinuated that cats were kind of evil. Well, here is proof… “I told you so.”


Baby Names by State and Popularity

• If you became a mom in the last 15 years or so then you probably have seen a list or two for popular baby names on the Internet. Here is a neat way of looking at the trends throughout the last 60 years. The boy list is pretty dominated by Michael for about 3.5 decades but I kind of like the girl version a little better. Jennifer sweeps the board in the 70s.


Print Facebook

• I got to thinking about if I was to ever shut down my Facebook or blog, what I would do, because honestly, I use both as a sort of digital baby book for my kiddos. I found this site where you can print your Facebook out. I’d love to try it out. I really appreciate analog/paper tangible items to hold and read… well, except for my neighborhood news — I want that online and in my inbox everyday from BubbleLife. 


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Reader Submitted in Coppell BubbleLife

• Any dad that dresses up for Halloween is OK in my book. And that’s what some Coppell dads did. A great dad is seriously more powerful and influential in the eyes of a child than any comic book character, but a cape doesn’t hurt.

All neighborhoods

•  What's the Limit for Sharing Information About Your Kids Online?

• DON’T FORGET: This weekend all our clocks “fall back” an hour for Daylight Saving Time — here’s why.


DONATE – Keeping the Giving Going – No Shave November

• It’s November 1 and you may have notice a drop in razor sales already. That’s because men everywhere are gearing up for No-Shave November (also sometime called Movember), an event when people don’t shave their beards for an entire month, some just grow the ‘stache, and others go for the full Duck Dynasty look. This is to raise awareness and funds for men’s health in prostate and testicular cancers. So, if you participate, please remember it’s not just a month for furry faces — you are doing it for a reason. You can donate here for No-Shave November or here for Movember.