phyllis_r694913 – Guest Contributor
Jul 14 2014
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New Museum Located in Old Post Office This 1976 photo, courtesy of Michael Bell, shows the post office on the left of what is now Sam's Pizza and Pasta.

The Museum of History is open at 607 Cedar Street in Historic Downtown Cedar Hill.  The Quanah Parker Exhibit will be on display through July 25, Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment.  There is no charge to see the exhibit, but donations are appreciated. 

The Museum is preparing a 1200 s.f. exhibit on "Cedar Hill, the Last Small Town in Dallas County" for the Old Red Courthouse/Museum in downtown Dallas.  The exhibit in the Courthouse temporary gallery will be open this November, December and January, 2015.  If you or your business is interested in making a donation for this project your name and logo will be on display at the gallery, on promotional publications and when the exhibit it moved to the permanent location in downtown Cedar Hill a plaque will be on display with your name.  This exhibit will be open at 607 Cedar Street the first two weeks of October prior to being moved to the Old Red Courthouse.  Bus tours are planned for viewing the exhibit in downtown Dallas.

Please contact or 214 769-8425 concerning any questions.